1. U nickname in AW: dazrulez 3. Combat lvl -77
4. Crafting skils (more than 50): BS:83, Geo:75, Meta:78, Compo:50, Craft: 78 (80 today), Tailor:48(50 today or tommorow)
5. Online a day (in hours): 1-10 hrs
6. How long u paly aw - since it first began
7. Why u choose AD clan - Strong Clan
8. In what clans u was before - C leader
9. Who in AD clan is u friends - Mectb, Skylord
10. Is u member and how often - always
11. Where did u leve, u real name and age - UK, Daryl Reeves, 21
12. U ID and email: 1009, dazrulez@hotmail.com
13. U icq or skype - dazrulez, 366775097
14. About u: In the British Army, In spare time i compete in bike trials competitions, Program my own game and do some dev work for AW