1. U nickname in AW: Artistas
2. U last nickname in AW (if change): none
3. Combat lvl:61
4. Crafting skils (more than 50):50 fish 50 scientific 45 crafting 55 cooking
5. Online a day (in hours):~7-8
6. How long u paly aw: 1,5 years
7. Why u choose AD clan:good clan members nice tag.
8. In what clans u was before:
9. Who in AD clan is u friends:
10. Is u member and how often: not now
11. Where did u leve, u real name and age: edva lithuania
12. U ID and email:12617, paniuha@gmail.com
13. U icq or skype:Добавлено (05.07.2009, 14:26)
Admin i need TAG